Can I authorize users to decide what they can see in the same dashboard?

Hi all, my boss assigned me a task to find out how to authorize different users and allow them to see what they have permission to see in one dashboard.

Here is my problem: Assume a system has 3 levels of user: Director > Manager > Employee. And they have some customers with whom to cooperate. After a user logs in to the application, they can see their own dashboard which displays the number and the list of their customers and also low-level users' customers. This means the director can see his own customers and the managers' and employees' as well.
Manager can see theirs and his employees'. Employee can only see their own customers.

So my question is: can Metabase do that on just one dashboard or I still need different dashboards for each role?

So in your case you want that the actual data in the dashboard changes per user ... Not that a user can see 4 cards and another user can only see 2 cards right?

Cause if it's about the data then you will need to check the pro licence and use sandboxing (row level permission)

Else the option is to have separate dashboards as you mentioned