Can we create Segment and Matrics based on multiple tables?

I just glimpsed these topics. however, It could not be cleared if we can create the Pulse, Segment & Matrics for multiple tables using PLSQL query joining 4-6 tables together?

Pulse yes (a pulse uses a question as its source).
Segments and metrics are defined on a table so you’d need to use a view.

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Thanks !
Do you mean we can use more than single table in Metrics or Segment using VIEW?
How to integrate view in metrics or segment.? Is it possible to use STORED PROCEDURE?


A view is just another table to Metabase. Most of my dashboards use views as it’s more flexible.
Only way to use a stored procedure is using custom SQL. I don’t know Oracle well enough to say if you can call a SP from a view or similar. I know you can’t in MS SQL.

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Thanks sir!
Yes, I am working out for Oracle with Java. However, worked upon MSSQL previously… Is it possible if the query is directly executed on view as in case we do for table in metabase. ???


Yes, views look just the same as tables to Metabase. If I were to start a new install, I’d hide all the tables from Metabase and just create a simpler structure using Views.

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