Can't connect to Digitalocean managed database

Hi all,

Im having problems connecting Metabase to my managed postgres database on Digitalocean. The error message is "looks like your password is incorrect" - but Im certain that the password is correct.

I get the same problem in both Metabase Cloud and when self-hosting. I can connect to the database using psql from the same box that Metabase is running on, but from inside the application UI it says the password is incorrect which is a bit confusing.

Has anyone seen this problem before or can point me in the right direction?

I managed to find out what the problem was. There is a bug in the DigitalOcean UI where if you copy the database password it will add an empty "space" character in the clipboard. I inspected the html for the value of the password in the Metabase UI I found that this empty space gets added only when copying credentials directly from Digitalocean.

A very annoying bug! Hopefully someone else finds this useful.

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