Can't get started

I have used Docker to Install metabase and have got to the screen below.

What an m I supposed to do next?


If you're just testing Metabase for future use, don't use Docker unless you have previous experience.
Just use 'java -jar metabase.jar' from the command line.

Then, when you're ready to deploy and (possibly) use Docker, make sure you have a proper database (Postgres) with persistent storage or you'll lose all your work very quickly.

Entering that command results in a message "Unable to access jarfile metabase.jar"

I read elsewhere in the documentation that I must download the latest version of Java. I have done that.

It also mentions about opening up a new terminal. I do not know how to do that.

What do I need to do yo get this command to work from the command prompt?


My 2 cents here: if you want to test the product and you're not used to set up your own servers, use our cloud :slight_smile:

I would prefer to install this myself.
The free trail asks for my Credit Card.
I have done the installation process with both Docker and Java.
There are other steps which I need to understand so I can test this on my own web site.

I have the 'java-jar metabase.jar" command working.

But it is not able to finish as per the screen below.

Any thoughts?


That's working! The important bit is 'Metabsea Initialization COMPLETE'
Now open a browser and go to http://localhost:3000

See screen capture below.

I have tried the Proxy feature and Reload.

I don't think this product is suitable with Windows 11.


I have it running on Windows 10 and 11. It's OS independent.
Is your browser on the same PC as you're running Metabase? Are you connecting over http (https won't work until it's configured much later).