I was following the Azure setup on the site, slightly outdated, and seemed all OK, then I got an error about CITEXT extension. So I enabled that. Now I get this error and not quite sure what to do. I don't know if the disable statement is coming from MB or what.
2024-08-21T02:29:32.680240874Z 2024-08-21 02:29:32,678 ERROR metabase.core :: Metabase Initialization FAILED
2024-08-21T02:29:32.680278234Z liquibase.exception.CommandExecutionException: liquibase.exception.LiquibaseException: liquibase.exception.MigrationFailedException: Migration failed for changeset migrations/001_update_migrations.yaml::v50.2024-01-10T03:27:30::noahmoss:
2024-08-21T02:29:32.680286479Z Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: ERROR: permission denied: "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_26508" is a system trigger [Failed SQL: (0) ALTER TABLE data_permissions DISABLE TRIGGER ALL]