Just updated to the newest version and the click behavior no longer works to update the conditions to update the filter. The click behavior to navigate to a URL seems to still be working but that functionality is not what I currently need. I don't see any errors, the clicking action just does nothing now in regards to updating a filter value. I am fairly new to this and couldn't find any bugs as of late on this issue but my suspicion is that it was caused by the recent update as before the update this functionality was working.
Not sure where or what other information is needed but any assistance would be appreciated! Thank you!
Edit there is a console error:
vendor.4366e9b2d49f95af.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: e.split is not a function
at parameter-parsing.ts:68:29
at a (parameter-parsing.ts:84:1)
at w (app-main.baee7b000b6b0698.js:3:87463)
at app-main.baee7b000b6b0698.js:313:48049
at Array.map ()
at data (app-main.baee7b000b6b0698.js:313:47994)
at f (app-main.baee7b000b6b0698.js:313:48095)
at Object.action (DashboardClickAction.tsx:51:41)
at s (action.js:13:32)
at o (action.js:69:12)