Columnless filter

Good morning, everyone! I'm a technology beginner and I'm learning how to set up dashboards in Metabase. I need to create a filter by "Team" but the table I have doesn't have the "Team" column and I can't add another column or another table either (I need to use only the table I have). The table I have contains several columns and the column I'm going to use to separate by Time is the "Account ID" column. In other words; the filter needs to search for Teams with their respective Account IDs, then after filtering by the "Account IDs" of each team I need another filter to filter by a specific Account ID. Example of expected result: Time = team A, Account ID = 123 : PRODUCTION. Can someone help me please?

Hey Deivid_Franca

Are you having issues setting up the Time and Account ID filters in the dashboard?

Or are you trying to have the Account ID filter value be dependant on the Time filter in the dashboard?
Since this is all a single table, is there any correlation between Time and Account ID columns?
If so, you can try using linked filters
