Columns without permission are shown for a table in PostgreSQL

Hi. I've connected Metabase to a PostgreSQL database. For each table, I've granted specific permissions for the columns. The problem is that Metabase shows "all" the columns whether or not I've granted permission for them. This results in the following error when trying to show the table because all the columns are selected by default and it doesn't have permission to see them all. The error is resolved if I choose the exact columns that Metabase can see, but it's troublesome because you need to do it for every table in every question. We don't have this problem with MySQL databases since Metabase only shows the columns to which it has access. Could you help me with this problem?

Our Metabase version is v0.41.5.

Hi @amirali
If Postgres returns all the columns, when Metabase tries to sync the table structure, then that can be the cause.
There has been a lot of Postgres driver updates in newer versions, so try a newer version.
Otherwise create a View instead, which will make it a little easier to manage as well.

But remember to sync (Admin > Databases > db > Sync database schema now) if you just made the changes. You might actually need to restart Metabase to ensure it's getting new connections to Postgres.
Otherwise you can hide the fields in Admin > Data Model.

I'll try this. Thanks.