
Boa tarde,
Gostaria de uma ajuda aqui do fórum, se alguém já passou por esse cenário.
Estamos tentando cadastrar um ambiente mongodb atlas no metabase v1.52.2 passando pela ferramenta de mascaramento de dados datasunrise.
Conseguimos cadastrar no metabase o ambiente mongo sem passar pela ferramenta datasunrise e conseguimos conectar no mongo com qualquer outra IDE passando pelo datasunrise e funcionando perfeitamente.
Temos outros ambiente MySQL, PostgreSQL, redshift etc... cadastrado no metabase passando pela ferramenta datasunrise com mascaramento funcionando perfeitamente.
Alguém sabe dizer se o metabase tem alguma incompatibilidade com o datasunrise quando se trata do ambientes mongodb que estão na cloud do Atlas?

Good afternoon,
I would like some help here on the forum, if anyone has experienced this scenario.
We are trying to register a mongodb atlas environment in the v1.52.2 metabase using the datasunrise data masking tool.
We were able to register the mongo environment in the metabase without going through the datasunrise tool and we were able to connect to mongo with any other IDE using datasunrise and it worked perfectly.
We have other environments MySQL, PostgreSQL, redshift etc... registered in the metabase using the datasunrise tool with masking working perfectly.
Does anyone know if the metabase has any incompatibility with datasunrise when it comes to mongodb environments that are in the Atlas cloud?

if datasunrise is 100% mongo compatible, there shouldn't be a problem

what's the error that you're getting?

Thanks for the response and answering your question, yes Datasunrise is compatible with mongodb. It works perfectly using any other IDE client, currently I used Compass and Studio 3t for testing.
When testing registration in the metabase, the error that appears is generally a timeout.
We check the routes and connectivity between all the tools more than once and they talk to each other.
We only have different errors when trying to put connection string as below.

Connection String: mongodb://"user":"password"@"host":"port"/"database"?ssl=true&sslInvalidHostNameAllowed=true&serverSelectionTimeoutMS=5000

Error: Timed out while waiting for a server that matches ReadPreferenceServerSelector{readPreference=primary}. Client view of cluster state is {type=UNKNOWN, servers=[{address="host":"port", type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING}]

Connection String: mongodb://"user":"password"@"host":"port"/"database"?ssl=true&sslInvalidHostNameAllowed=true&retryWrites=true&loadBalanced=false&serverSelectionTimeoutMS=5000&connectTimeoutMS=10000&authSource=admin&authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1

Error: Server certificate is not trusted - have you specified the correct SSL certificate chain?

Am I assembling the connection string wrong?