Connect Metabase with Make (formaly Integromat)

I try to connect the Metabase module with make but it doesn't work.
I use Metabase v0.39.1

My target is to get data and automate actions based on request.

Hi @pierre_ascaly
You should upgrade immediately to a newer release:

Latest release is 0.45.1:

Metabase can connect to the following databases:

Thanks for advice.
Do you use Make (integromat) ? If yes, did you manage to connect the module ?

@pierre_ascaly If Make allows access to its data via one of the database types that Metabase supports, then yes. Otherwise no.

Thanks Flamber. I think you don't know what MAKE is...
It's an automation tool

@pierre_ascaly Correct I don't know what Make is. I think your question would probably be better suited for a Make forum, since Metabase is not able to connect to anything but databases.

I did it.
To connect Make with Metabase, you must be a Metabase user.
That's why I asked here as well.

Any news on your plan of integrating make/ metabase?


I'm a Make user. I've faced the same issue and gave up using the native integration. If you really need to access Metabase through , i would recomend using a HTTP request module to access Metabase's API, and then you be able to access everything you want.

You can explore the API documentation here: Card

I hope it helps.