Dashboard access to end user

While sharing a dashboard access to the user, can we not hide the individual collection of metrics that are there in the dashboard?

Example - I have created a dashboard where 25 charts or metrics or questions are there in the dashboard. I want user can only see the one dashboard not the 25 questions that we had to make individually to form a dashboard.

You will need to handle that via the permissions ... Might be better to use static embedding in your case

Tried handling that via permission, but when i remove the permission of metrics, the dashboard access is also removed.
Also, wanted to use metabase UI for all the dashboards at department level, each department people has access to view their own dashboard only. Statis embed is not the best way for my use case.

Oh you don't even want to allow them to click on the question right? Not just block them from editing the question?

That would be more of a static embedding use case then