Dashboard filters - Linked filters

Hey everyone!
I've made my first Metabase dashboard and it looks great! However I'm having some issues managing my dashboard filters, I have a "Student" filter looking like this :

As long as my filter is an input box it works fine :

However I'm looking to change it to a dropdown or a search input and here come the issues :

My filter retrieve all the "Student" without filtering by SCHOOL_ID, which is fine at this point since I did not setup a linked filter, when I add it :


I get an infinite loading input, and can't select any "Student" value.
So I'm stucked by either retrieving all existing values or retrieving no value.

Has anyone had the same kind of issue?

I've had something similar.
My solution was to create an extra question that just lists the schoolid and Student. Add a filter so that no records are shown, then add to your dashboard with 'hide when no results'.
Add the parameters and it works.
Hopefully, your problem is solved in the same way.

Hi Andrew, thank you for your reply !

Not sure I quite understood every step, I created an extra question with the school_ID and Students :

I add a filter in order to avoid displaying results :

And I add the "Hide when no results" :

However I have the same behaviour, if the school_id is filtered on the student filter, I get no results even when I have students with that lastname in my DB :

It's really the filter component which does not display the right results, because if I "force" the field with a value having results, example here, it works for my dashboard, "Apprenant" are displayed

But whithin the filter search itself, no result is raised :

Thank you for your help !
Best regards,

Please upgrade to the latest version

Hello Luiggi,

Thank you for your feedback, we did upgrade to Metabase's latest version.
However we still have the same issue pending, the "Student" filter in our case does not take linked dashboard filters into account.

Thank you for your help,
Best regards

It does not take the linked filter or the linked filter takes too much time?

If my "Student" dashboard filter is indeed linked to my "School_ID" like this :

I don't have any "Student" when I try "Test" for instance, even if I do have students with that lastname in my database, for that specific school :