Dashboard not loading "metabase.query-processor.middleware.process-userland-query Query failure"


I've just installed metabase using Jar on a Digital Ocean Droplet.

It seems to work at the beginning, I can connect to my database, and create some questions without error.

But very soon, I have an error.

The dashboard is in an infinite loading state.

Here is my config

  "browser-info": {
    "language": "fr-FR",
    "platform": "MacIntel",
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36",
    "vendor": "Google Inc."
  "system-info": {
    "java.runtime.name": "OpenJDK Runtime Environment",
    "java.runtime.version": "1.8.0_292-8u292-b10-0ubuntu1~20.04-b10",
    "java.vendor": "Private Build",
    "java.vendor.url": "http://java.oracle.com/",
    "java.version": "1.8.0_292",
    "java.vm.name": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
    "java.vm.version": "25.292-b10",
    "os.name": "Linux",
    "os.version": "5.4.0-88-generic",
    "user.language": "en",
    "user.timezone": "Etc/UTC"
  "metabase-info": {
    "databases": [
    "hosting-env": "unknown",
    "application-database": "h2",
    "application-database-details": {
      "database": {
        "name": "H2",
        "version": "1.4.197 (2018-03-18)"
      "jdbc-driver": {
        "name": "H2 JDBC Driver",
        "version": "1.4.197 (2018-03-18)"
    "run-mode": "prod",
    "version": {
      "tag": "v0.34.2",
      "date": "2020-02-04",
      "branch": "release-0.34.x",
      "hash": "dab738c"
    "settings": {
      "report-timezone": null

Here is the error

[e0a6757a-0655-4a08-a68f-55c8788fa6ba] 2021-11-27T23:27:09+01:00 ERROR metabase.driver.sql-    jdbc.execute nil
[e0a6757a-0655-4a08-a68f-55c8788fa6ba] 2021-11-27T23:27:10+01:00 WARN metabase.query-processor.middleware.process-userland-query Query failure {:status :failed,
:class java.sql.SQLException,
:error "An SQLException was provoked by the following failure: java.lang.InterruptedException",
"--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$do_in_transaction.invokeStatic(execute.clj:276)"
{:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
:type :query,
:middleware {:userland-query? true},
{:executed-by 1,
:context :question,
:card-id 1,
:dashboard-id nil,
:query-hash [2, 49, 50, -29, 123, 119, 99, 33, 66, -75, 26, 46, -5, 61, -1, 104, 26, 68, 55, -3, -60, 25, -110, -85, 118, -35, 96, -76, 53, -48, 36, -68]},
:query {:source-table 50, :filter [:!= [:fk-> [:field-id 390] [:field-id 286]] 8], :aggregation [[:count]], :breakout [[:datetime-field [:field-id 389] :month]]},
:parameters [],
:async? true,
:cache-ttl nil},
{:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
:type :query,
:middleware {:userland-query? true},
{:executed-by 1,
:context :question,
:card-id 1,
:query-hash [2, 49, 50, -29, 123, 119, 99, 33, 66, -75, 26, 46, -5, 61, -1, 104, 26, 68, 55, -3, -60, 25, -110, -85, 118, -35, 96, -76, 53, -48, 36, -68]},
:preprocessing-level 1,
:database 2,
{:source-table 50,
:filter [:!= [:joined-field "stores__via__store_id" [:field-id 286]] [:value 8 {:base_type :type/BigInteger, :special_type :type/FK, :database_type "int8"}]],
:aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "count"}]],
:breakout [[:datetime-field [:field-id 389] :month]],
:order-by [[:asc [:datetime-field [:field-id 389] :month]]],
:joins [{:strategy :left-join, :source-table 34, :alias "stores__via__store_id", :fk-field-id 390, :condition [:= [:field-id 390] [:joined-field "stores__via__store_id" [:field-id 293]]]}]}},
"SELECT date_trunc('month', CAST(\"public\".\"reports\".\"created_at\" AS timestamp)) AS \"created_at\", count(*) AS \"count\" FROM \"public\".\"reports\" LEFT JOIN \"public\".\"stores\" \"stores__via__store_id\" ON \"public\".\"reports\".\"store_id\" = \"stores__via__store_id\".\"id\" WHERE \"stores__via__store_id\".\"organisation_id\" <> 8 GROUP BY date_trunc('month', CAST(\"public\".\"reports\".\"created_at\" AS timestamp)) ORDER BY date_trunc('month', CAST(\"public\".\"reports\".\"created_at\" AS timestamp)) ASC",
:params nil},
:cause {:class java.lang.InterruptedException, :error "java.lang.InterruptedException"}}

Thanks a lot for your help.

Hi @adrilef

  1. Latest release is 0.41.2 - almost two years newer than 0.34:
  2. You should not be using H2 as the application database if you're running Metabase in production:
  3. And upgrade to Java 11:

Hi @flamber

Thanks for you answer.

I was obviously running an old version : https://www.cloudbooklet.com/install-metabase-on-ubuntu-18-04-with-nginx-and-ssl-google-cloud/

It works a lot better now ! Thanks