Dashboard subcrsiptions - include date and time in Email subject

There is an email dashboard sent to support@healthily.com.au daily which is from metabase@healthily.com.au and contains a bunch of tables.

At the moment, the subject line for this email is SMS Whispir Twilio. Because the subject lines are all the same, google is threading them and when there are more than a dozen or so, all the tables in the email begin to fall apart (presume the gmail has trouble threading that much data).

Can you add the current date into the subject line for these emails? (which will prevent them threading)

Screenshots of the issue attached.

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I would suggest you raise a feature request

Thanks Luiggi - how do I raise a feature request ?

Robbo - you can got to the Metabase repository on Github and select "New Issue -> Feature Request":

Could you use something like make.com or PowerAutomate to rename the subject line as email is received?