Just set up a trial account with Metabase Cloud and running into some trouble when trying to connect via the Add Database page.
Following the instructions here on github, I've entered "token" as user name (which confuses me a bit since there's no actual user with a personal access token but I guess it's just a magic word for the driver) and the PAT for the password.
Entered the hostname from the Databricks SQL Cluster and port 443.
For the additional jdbc information, here's what I entered (PWD and warehouse id substituted below for security).
I receive an immediate failure within metabase after clicking Save in the Add Database screen with the following brief error message displayed on the page.
'void org.apache.thrift.transport.THttpClient.(java.lang.String, org.apache.http.client.HttpClient)'
Anything stand out as clearly wrong or anyone else successfully up and running with Databricks?
Thank you!