Date difference between database and metabse


I can see difference on date between date on metabase and actual date in DB.
the date on metabase is one day later than actual date in DB.

Date in DB: ISODate(“2017-02-04T00:00:00Z”)
Date on Metabase: Friday, February 3, 2017 4:00 PM

Let me know how can I make the date in metabase which is same as date in DB.



It’s hard to debug any kind of timezone issue (which is what you’re describing) with just the information shown.

Specifically there are

  1. database server timezone
  2. metabase server timezone
  3. metabase “reporting timezone” setting
  4. your local timezone/time settings in your browser.

If you can, please share those and in the process you’ll probably find out where this transformation is happening.

Specifically there are

  1. database server timezone
    8 Hours ahead from local time zone(PST)

  2. metabase server timezone

  3. metabase “reporting timezone” setting

  4. your local timezone/time settings in your browser.

So, strictly speaking, ISODate("2017-02-04T00:00:00Z") is in UTC time (that’s what the ‘Z’ refers to), the date in Metabase Friday, February 3, 2017 4:00 PM is is PST, so things are working correctly.

These two dates are identical, but the Metabase time is formatted to respect your reporting timezone.

Hmm, Then The time would show same as DB in UTC if I change time zone to UTC in Metabase?

It would format the date to UTC for GUI queries, this would “match” the string format you see in the DB.

Being a bit pedantic re: things being equal or not because timezones can get very confusing very fast wrt analytics.