Date filter error

Hello I have troubles with my data filter on a particular query :
the error message I get is : "2024-13 is an unvalid date'

here is the code :

WITH telechargement AS (
-- COUNT(DISTINCT CONCAT(user_id, '-', uwcaseid)) AS tel,
CONCAT(DATE_PART('year', date), '-', DATE_PART('week', date)) AS year_week
FROM events_with_users_info
WHERE {{env}} AND {{type_evenement}} --AND {{date}}
AND event_type in ('generate-uwcase-pdf') and event_category = 'UWA'
AND actif_attendu = 'Actif Attendu'
and env not in ('demo','master','beta')
GROUP BY year_week


recherche AS (
COUNT(DISTINCT (CASE WHEN event_type in ('create-uwcase', 'update-building-facet') THEN uwcaseid ELSE id END)) AS rech,
CONCAT(DATE_PART('year', date), '-', DATE_PART('week', date)) AS year_week
FROM events_with_users_info
WHERE {{env}} AND {{type_evenement}} --AND {{date}}
AND event_type in ('fetch-uwcase')
AND actif_attendu = 'Actif Attendu' and event_category = 'UWA'
and env not in ('demo','master','beta')
GROUP BY year_week


creation AS (
COUNT(DISTINCT (CASE WHEN event_type in ('create-uwcase', 'update-building-facet') THEN uwcaseid ELSE id END)) AS crea,
CONCAT(DATE_PART('year', date), '-', DATE_PART('week', date)) AS year_week
FROM events_with_users_info
WHERE {{env}} AND {{type_evenement}} --AND {{date}}
AND event_type in ('create-uwcase')
AND actif_attendu = 'Actif Attendu' and event_category = 'UWA'
and env not in ('demo','master','beta')
GROUP BY year_week


semaine AS (
SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(DATE_PART('year', date), '-', DATE_PART('week', date)) AS year_week,
DATE_PART('week', date) AS week_nb,
DATE_PART('year', date) AS event_year
FROM events_with_users_info
where {{date}} and date(date) > '2022-10-09'


SELECT semaine.year_week, COALESCE(creation.crea, 0) + COALESCE(recherche.rech, 0) as rech,
WHEN COALESCE(creation.crea, 0) + COALESCE(recherche.rech, 0) <> 0 THEN
(1.00 * COALESCE(, 0)) / (COALESCE(creation.crea, 0) + COALESCE(recherche.rech, 0))
END AS pourcentage
FROM semaine
left join telechargement on semaine.year_week = telechargement.year_week
left join recherche on semaine.year_week = recherche.year_week
left join creation on semaine.year_week = creation.year_week
GROUP BY semaine.year_week,, creation.crea, recherche.rech, semaine.event_year, semaine.week_nb
ORDER BY semaine.event_year, semaine.week_nb

and when I put no date filter or a date filter without the week 13, it works fine :

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Hello, any update on this ? it's really bothering us

This error typically means that your result set is producing duplicate values for the points on the x axis. I'd run the query and look at the results in a table visualization or run it directly in your database and revise it until it doesn't return duplicate records.

In the "semaine" CTE you're not grouping by week and year like in the other CTEs. I suspect that's your culprit!