Date Picker - not working as expected

We updated Metabase to v0.50.21 last night. The date picker now includes Time (I hadn't noticed this before, I'm not sure when it showed up) but it seems like it may be breaking the expected behavior. If you choose 'On' you get no results; if you expand the 'Add Time' link it seems that it's b/c it's not only on the chosen date, but the chosen time which can only be a single minute.

Similarly, 'Between' behaves like this. Choosing between and selecting the same date (8/16/2024 for example) and expanding the 'Add Time' link will show you that it's defaulting time to 12:30 PM - 12:30 PM which would only show you an item that happened during that exact minute (I'm assuming). I'd expect it to go from 00:00 - 11:59:59. I'd expect times, in general, to be those as a default and that 'On' would have no ability to add a time at all.

Am I missing something?

Metabase: Version v.0.50.21
Chrome: Version 127.0.6533.120 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Win 11

That should be optional though:

If you don't want time there why are you clicking on Add Time? If you are after the 00:00 - 11:59:59 then you don't really need to add any time no? Sorry if i am missing the issue

Time is being filled by default it appears. I do NOT want time, but Metabase is filling in the same time for both options which is a broken default setting IMO. I only discovered the Add Time option after my dashboards in many cases stopped showing data (On) or started showing incomplete data (Between).

But you can always change that right? like you don't have to keep 12:30 PM that can be adjusted

It's default filling for all my end users who are not savvy and my helpdesk ticket queue is filling up. Furthermore, this is a new behavior with the latest version (21) and, even though my users can adjust it every time they spawn a dashboard I think we can agree that it's suboptimal behavior since it adds 1 or 2 steps every time a person wants to view data.

Bear with me cause i think I am not grasping the issue.

If you do not click on Add Time then the date filter will filter according to the Date (00:00 - 23:59:59) .. If you click at time you will need to adjust the time.

Is there something I am missing? the reason it's "default filling" it's because they are pressing on the Add Time no?

I ma running version 49 and I do have the same behaviour. So what was your behaviour in 49?

It does not filter to (00:00 - 23:59:59). It defaults to 12:30 - 12:30 and, because of that in most cases, shows no results.

Furthermore, On should not use Time by default. Unless you have a huge dataset, choosing a single minute for a result will only give you a tiny subset of data and would only be useful to find a record (or 2) in most cases. For data visualization you want a range of some sort.

I'm saying they broke time, it's autofilling in nonsense times for Between and filling in a time (12:30 again) for On. I don't want that to happen but in 50.21 it's happening.

When you don't specify a Time it doesn't add the 12:30:

Can you confirm what query is being executed from your end when you don't select a Time? Also what DB are you running? (I tested on PGSQL)

Metabase IS adding the time in, if I specify it or not. You're running from the assumption that it doesn't do that and, while I would love it if that was correct, it's not. Time selected or not, it's adding in the time.

Selecting On shows nothing and specifies no time in the query.
Selecting Between and not specifying a time shows nothing and generates this query - with no time specified. I cannot delete the 12:30 - 12:30 time from the input boxes.

Selecting Between and specifying 00:00 - 23:59 shows expected results and the query preview shows the expected time specification

Maybe there is a different behaviour in that DB. What Database are you using? The example I am showing i am not selecting a Time but it properly shows the 00:00:00

Also what do you mean by you cannot delete the 12:30 - 12:30? You should have the cross here:

Can you share a screenshot of the menu you have on your end

The query from 50.13 to 50.21 is the same in the preview (I have a prod instance (13) and a dev instance (21). It's the output that's wrong, 13 shows the expected result but 21 uses the time even when it's not specified.

The cross is what I'm using, it doesn't change the output.

PROD box: MSSQL 16.0.4135.4
DEV box: MSSQL 16.0.4135.4

Also note that the behavior of 50.21 was the same on both boxes until I rolled production back to the 13.

If you check the query that is getting executed at MSSQL side what do you find? Like what is actually being executed?

You need to check your MSSQL logs. Compare dev with prod and let me know