Deleting old data from the login_history table

Hello everyone,

The login_history table currently has 5 million rows, and our database storage is becoming constrained. We are considering deleting old data, but before doing so, I would like to gather your opinions.

Please let me know if the old login history data is important for our current application (using v0.45.3 and planning to update in the future). Additionally, if you have any suggestions for the criteria for deleting data (e.g., removing data older than 1 year), please share them.

Before executing the data deletion, we plan to obtain a backup of the entire database or the login_history table. We also intend to perform database maintenance after the deletion.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you.

You might also get rid of core_session related data as well ... make sure to take a backup before doing this since you might experience some issues but i tried it locally on a small DB and i had no issues with it

Thanks for the information about core_session! I will consider it as well!

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