Docker build


I am again trying to build metabase in docker image in GitlabCICD pipeline.

Here is my Dockerfile:

# ###################
# # STAGE 1: builder
# ###################

FROM ubuntu:20.04 as builder


RUN apt update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk
RUN apt install -y curl gettext wget netcat
RUN curl -O && chmod +x && ./ 

RUN curl -fsSL | bash - &&  apt install -y nodejs && curl -L | sh && npm install --global yarn

RUN groupadd metabase && useradd -rm -d /home/metabase/ -s /bin/bash -g metabase -G sudo -u 1001 metabase && mkdir /home/metabase/metabase/

COPY --chown=metabase . /home/metabase/metabase/

RUN chown -R metabase /home/metabase/metabase && chgrp -R metabase /home/metabase/metabase && chmod -R +xr /home/metabase/metabase/bin
RUN apt install -y git maven bash rlwrap

USER metabase
RUN mkdir /home/metabase/.m2 
RUN echo ${MVN_SETTINGS} > /home/metabase/.m2/settings.xml

RUN cd /home/metabase/metabase && ./bin/build

# ###################
# # STAGE 2: export-stage
# ###################

FROM scratch as export-stage

COPY --from=builder /home/metabase/metabase/target/uberjar/metabase.jar /

And then in gitlab-ci.yml file I have script " docker build --build-arg MVN_SETTINGS="$MVN_SETTINGS" -f Dockerfile --output /metabase.jar ."

During build phase I got this error.

Do you know what can be the issue?

Thank you

Hi @drydog
I'm not sure why it is failing with Manifest type not detected
You'll likely need to enable debug logging to figure out exactly where the problem occurs. I'm guessing it's something in one of your changes compared to the official repo.
I don't know GitLab that much, so cannot tell, but have a look at our GitHub and CircleCI directories.


Sorry it was my mistake. I removed deps.edn from root folder structure.