Documentation for interactive dashboard / click behavior in embedded dashboard

Is there a documentation on what is supported for click behavoir in embedded dashboard?

Custom destination - url is working but dashboard or saved question doesn’t work. It makes sense as there will not be signed request avaialble.

Update a dashboard filter - This just refreshes existing dashboard without updating dashboard filter.


Hi @tachniki

Please post “Diagnostic Info” from Admin > Troubleshooting.

Correct, only URL is available, since there’s no signed request available for drill-through.

As for “update a dashboard filter” (cross-filtering), that works fine on 0.37.6, when I test, so can you provide a steps-to-reproduce with Sample Dataset?

Thanks @flamber

Updating dashboard filter is working. I hadn’t configured that correctly. Also, I am guessing this will only work till jwt_token expiry.

@tachniki Yes, since it’s the same a updating the filter manually, which sends a query via the token.

@tachniki, thank you for starting this thread. Do you recall what configuration you needed to update?

Sorry, long time. I don't remember this.