Dropdown menu not showing despite using a category type


I am working on a dashbaord and almost all the filters are working correctly (showing the menu when I click on it) except for one. Yet, when I decide to insert one, two or three of the 3 possible choices for this field filter, it works perfectly fine.
Example: when I try to get the dropdown menu (nothing appears):

Capture d’écran 2021-10-27 à 10.38.11

When I insert one of the choice (it works fine):

Capture d’écran 2021-10-27 à 10.40.26

Also, in all related questions, I have made sure to use the right indication as you can see it there:

Capture d’écran 2021-10-27 à 10.41.50

Am I missing something ? How do I get my dropdown menu to show correctly (with its three choices) ?

Have a nice day,


Hi @aterrien
Make sure you've set the field to "A list of all values" in Admin > Data Model.

Thanks @flamber for your quick answer ! Our admin did it and it worked :smiley:.

Capture d’écran 2021-10-27 à 13.54.26
Enjoy your day