we are embedding metabase dashboard in our system. it is finely running and displaying data on localhost. but if I try to access it from another IP address that is from another machine. It is showing error…
401 (Unauthorized)
Hi @tejashri
But localhost
is specific to the computer running Metabase, so you cannot access that from other machines unless you are using reverse-proxy etc.
thanks for replying…
I am accessing it with IP address of machine where metabase is installed from another machine…
is it possible to access it from another machine
@tejashri I don’t know how you’re hosting Metabase, but you would need to either use a reverse-proxy or make Metabase listen on an interface that is accessible from the outside.
i am passing it through iframe and embedding it in my live php application.
@tejashri You’re not providing a lot of information, so read the documentation and search through the forum.
Post “Diagnostic Info” from Admin > Troubleshooting.
Make sure that the “Site URL” in Admin > Settings > General matches the address you’re actually using to access Metabase.
in iframe src="src=“http://localhost:3000/public/dashboard/66"”
instead of localhost im providing my local macchine IP and put this code in my PHP application. it is working on local machine but if I access it from another machine in our live application… its giving error 401
how is it possible by reverse-proxy?
@tejashri Sorry I cannot help you. It’s too much work, since you don’t understand networking. Search on Google “how to setup reverse proxy”.