Error executing query

We have an env with metabase 0.44.6 and Presto, sometimes questions had the error "Error executing query", I'm trying to figure out what is happening in a specific query but I coudn't, could you help me to solve? I got the error on metabase logs, but I didn't see any clue.

[32d0140e-2127-47d2-9324-92a82ad4798c] 2023-01-19T09:57:51-03:00 ERROR metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions Erro ao processar a consulta: Error executing query
{:database_id 5,
:started_at #t "2023-01-19T12:57:50.974596Z[GMT]",
[{:status :failed,
:class java.sql.SQLException,
:error "Error executing query",
"--> driver.presto_jdbc$fn__91607.invokeStatic(presto_jdbc.clj:393)"
:state nil}],
{:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
:type :native,
:middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :ignore-cached-results? false, :process-viz-settings? false},
{:id "fc6819d0-3e3f-bba9-3065-b3c35d316be6",
:name "dt_range_start",
:display-name "Data de início",
:type :date,
:required true},
{:id "ff5de2f3-1db7-c6cd-cb67-f53d033b8e93",
:name "dt_range_end",
:display-name "Data de fim",
:type :date,
:required true},
{:id "044a7515-d7de-6d76-59fa-cb1f1dce39cb",
:name "poc_category",
:display-name "Categoria do poc",
:type :dimension,
:dimension [:field 26431 nil],
:widget-type :string/=,
:default nil},
{:id "90e77ef1-503c-4f80-fd92-f8598cfecbc1",
:name "poc_id",
:display-name "ID do poc",
:type :dimension,
:dimension [:field 26426 nil],
:widget-type :number/=},
{:id "26b9cc0d-a218-b149-f21f-46027d22215c",
:name "poc_name",
:display-name "Poc name",
:type :dimension,
:dimension [:field 26437 nil],
:widget-type :string/contains}},
"WITH\r\n\r\nbd as(\r\n SELECT\r\n fo.poc_id,\r\n dim_poc.city_name,\r\n dim_poc.state_uf,\r\n dim_poc.poc_name,\r\n --poc.poc_timezone,\r\n fo.order_number,\r\n droh.state AS status,\r\n droh.state,\r\n droh.created_at,\r\n droh.correct_location,\r\n droh.route_id,\r\n droh.created_by as deliveryman_email,\r\n ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY fo.order_number ORDER BY droh.created_at DESC) AS row\r\n \r\n FROM fact_order fo\r\n JOIN sensitive_raw_courier_api.deliveryman_route_order_history droh\r\n ON fo.order_number = droh.order_number\r\n JOIN dim_poc\r\n ON dim_poc.poc_id = fo.poc_id\r\n --LEFT JOIN poc\r\n --ON = fo.poc_id\r\n \r\n \r\n WHERE \r\n (\r\n droh.created_at BETWEEN date_add('day', -1, cast(concat(cast({{dt_range_start}} as varchar), ' 00:00:00.000 ', 'America/Sao_Paulo') as timestamp) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' )\r\n AND date_add('day', 1, cast(concat(cast({{dt_range_end}} as varchar), ' 23:59:59.997 ', 'America/Sao_Paulo') as timestamp) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' )\r\n \r\n \r\n )\r\n \r\n --and droh.state in ('DELIVERED', 'DM_CANCELLATION_REQUEST') \r\n [[AND {{ poc_name }}]]\r\n [[AND {{ poc_id }}]]\r\n [[AND {{ poc_category }}]]\r\n),\r\n\r\nt1 as(\r\n select\r\n bd.poc_id,\r\n bd.city_name,\r\n bd.state_uf,\r\n bd.poc_name,\r\n --bd.poc_timezone,\r\n bd.order_number,\r\n bd.state AS status,\r\n CASE WHEN bd.state in ('DELIVERED', 'DM_CANCELLATION_REQUEST') THEN cast(date_format(bd.created_at at TIME ZONE 'America/Sao_Paulo', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as timestamp)\r\n ELSE cast(date_format(droh2.created_at at TIME ZONE 'America/Sao_Paulo', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as timestamp) END as created_date_time,\r\n CASE WHEN (bd.state in ('DELIVERED', 'DM_CANCELLATION_REQUEST') OR droh2.correct_location IS NULL) THEN bd.correct_location ELSE droh2.correct_location END as status_correct_location,\r\n bd.route_id,\r\n bd.deliveryman_email,\r\n droh2.created_by,\r\n ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY droh2.order_number ORDER BY droh2.created_at DESC) AS rn\r\n \r\n from bd\r\n LEFT JOIN deliveryman_route_order_history as droh2\r\n on bd.order_number = droh2.order_number\r\n \r\n where\r\n bd.row = 1\r\n and droh2.state in ('DELIVERED', 'DM_CANCELLATION_REQUEST')\r\n AND\r\n (\r\n droh2.created_at IS NULL\r\n OR \r\n droh2.created_at BETWEEN date_add('day', -1, cast(concat(cast({{dt_range_start}} as varchar), ' 00:00:00.000 ', 'America/Sao_Paulo') as timestamp) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' )\r\n AND date_add('day', 1, cast(concat(cast({{dt_range_end}} as varchar), ' 23:59:59.997 ', 'America/Sao_Paulo') as timestamp) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' )\r\n )\r\n),\r\n\r\nstatus_history as(\r\n select\r\n t1.order_number,\r\n droh.state as status,\r\n droh.correct_location,\r\n droh.created_at,\r\n ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY t1.order_number ORDER BY droh.created_at DESC) AS rn\r\n \r\n from t1\r\n join deliveryman_route_order_history droh\r\n on t1.order_number = droh.order_number\r\n where t1.rn = 1\r\n),\r\n\r\nvalid_last_status as(\r\n select\r\n order_number,\r\n status,\r\n correct_location,\r\n ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY order_number ORDER BY created_at DESC) AS rn\r\n \r\n from (select * from status_history where status in ('DELIVERED', 'DM_CANCELLATION_REQUEST') )\r\n),\r\n\r\ndrops as(\r\n\r\n select\r\n route_id,\r\n count(*) as numero_de_drops\r\n \r\n from t1\r\n where t1.rn = 1\r\n group by 1\r\n),\r\n\r\nlast_order_of_the_route as(\r\n select\r\n t1.route_id,\r\n --t1.poc_timezone,\r\n cast(date_format(max( droh.created_at) at TIME ZONE 'America/Sao_Paulo', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as timestamp) as last_order_of_the_route_delivered_date\r\n \r\n from t1\r\n left join deliveryman_route_order_history droh\r\n on t1.route_id = droh.route_id\r\n \r\n where droh.state in ('DELIVERED', 'DM_CANCELLATION_REQUEST')\r\n and t1.rn = 1\r\n \r\n group by 1--,2\r\n),\r\n\r\nresult as(\r\nSELECT\r\ncast(date_format(t1.created_date_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as varchar) AS order_datetime,\r\ncast(date_format(lo.last_order_of_the_route_delivered_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as varchar) AS last_order_of_the_route_datetime,\r\n--TO_CHAR(rd.created_date_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AS route_datetime, \r\ncast(lo.last_order_of_the_route_delivered_date as date) as last_order_of_the_route_day,\r\nEXTRACT(HOUR FROM lo.last_order_of_the_route_delivered_date) AS last_order_of_the_route_hour,\r\nextract(week from lo.last_order_of_the_route_delivered_date) AS last_order_of_the_route_week,\r\nt1.poc_id,\r\nt1.poc_name,\r\nt1.city_name,\r\nt1.state_uf,\r\nt1.order_number,\r\nls.status as last_status,\r\nvls.status as previous_status,\r\nvls.correct_location,\r\nt1.route_id,\r\nCASE WHEN deliveryman_email != 'ze' THEN deliveryman_email ELSE created_by END as deliveryman_email,\r\nCASE WHEN\r\n (\r\n vls.status = 'DELIVERED'\r\n --OR (ls.status = 'CANCELLED' AND t1.correct_location = 'true')\r\n --OR (vls.status = 'DM_CANCELLATION_REQUEST' AND vls.correct_location = 'true')\r\n )\r\n THEN 'PAGAR' ELSE 'NÃO_PAGAR' END as recebe_pgto,\r\nd.numero_de_drops\r\n \r\nFROM t1\r\n--LEFT JOIN (select id, CONVERT_TIMEZONE('BRA', finished_at) AS created_date_time FROM raw_courier_api.deliveryman_route) rd\r\n-- ON = t1.route_id\r\nLEFT JOIN drops d\r\n ON t1.route_id = d.route_id\r\nLEFT JOIN (select * from status_history where rn = 1) ls --last_status\r\n ON t1.order_number = ls.order_number\r\nLEFT JOIN (select * from valid_last_status where rn = 1) vls --valid_last_status\r\n ON t1.order_number = vls.order_number \r\nLEFT JOIN last_order_of_the_route lo\r\n ON t1.route_id = lo.route_id\r\n\r\nWHERE t1.rn = 1\r\nAND lo.last_order_of_the_route_delivered_date BETWEEN {{ dt_range_start }} AND DATE_ADD('day', 1, {{ dt_range_end }})\r\n\r\n\r\nORDER BY 2, 1\r\n)\r\n\r\nselect * from result"},
:database 5,
[{:type "date/single",
:value "2022-12-26",
:target ["variable" ["template-tag" "dt_range_start"]],
:id "fc6819d0-3e3f-bba9-3065-b3c35d316be6"}
{:type "date/single",
:value "2023-01-01",
:target ["variable" ["template-tag" "dt_range_end"]],
:id "ff5de2f3-1db7-c6cd-cb67-f53d033b8e93"}
{:type "number/=",
:target ["dimension" ["template-tag" "poc_id"]],
:id "90e77ef1-503c-4f80-fd92-f8598cfecbc1"}],
:async? true,
:cache-ttl 11},
:status :failed,
:class java.lang.RuntimeException,
"--> driver.presto_jdbc$fn__91607.invokeStatic(presto_jdbc.clj:393)"
:card_id 6108,
:context :question,
:error "Error executing query",
:row_count 0,
:running_time 0,
:data {:rows [], :cols []}}

that's a very generic error. I would suggest you use the Starburst driver instead of the Presto one, as it will be deprecated soon