[Error] Integer Out of Range when change Date range filter

Hello everyone,

I'm encountering a strange problem related to the Date filter when querying a question.

In my case, I want to multiply two columns for each row. At first, it works with data in November 2019: see screenshot: Screenshot by Lightshot

But when I change the date filter to December 2019, it raises an error:


If I remove the multiplication field, it works with every date range: see screenshot: Screenshot by Lightshot

I have no idea with this problem. I really hope to receive your help.

Thank you so much!

Hi @icymai
Which version of Metabase?
Which database type are you querying?
Could it be that one of the columns in the December period contains a very high number already?
Looks like the error is coming for the database, so you might find more information in the database log.

Hi @flamber,
Thanks for the response. I realize that this error happens when I multiple big integer. For example:
select 20000 * 500000