ERROR: Specified types or functions (one per INFO message) not supported on Redshift tables

Hello mates,

I'm newbie using metabase and I'm have difficulties in my code. Please Could someone help me?

when I write code below,

apears the following Error:

ERROR: Specified types or functions (one per INFO message) not supported on Redshift tables.

select distinct "wr"."placeId",
       (select sum("fcv"."value" - "fcv"."withdrew")::float/100
        from "rfd"."rfd_financial_closing_values" AS "fcv"
        where "fcv"."placeId" = "wr"."placeId" and
              not "fcv"."isDeleted" and
              ("fcv"."payDate")::date <= now()::date) as "saldoLiberado",
       (select sum("fcv"."value" - "fcv"."withdrew")::float/100
        from "rfd"."rfd_financial_closing_values" AS "fcv"
        where "fcv"."placeId" = "wr"."placeId" and
              not "fcv"."isDeleted" and
              ("fcv"."payDate")::date > now()::date) AS "saldoALiberar"

FROM "rfd"."rfd_withdraw_requests" AS "wr"
left join "rfd"."rfd_places" AS "p" on "wr"."placeId" = "p"."id"
left join "rfd"."rfd_organizations" AS "o" on "wr"."organizationId" = "o"."id"
left join "rfd"."rfd_events" AS "e" on "wr"."placeId" = "e"."placeId" 

where "e"."beginAt" >= '2021-01-01' and "e"."transactionsCount" > 0


Hi @varsantos
The error is coming from Redshift, not Metabase.
Try replacing now()::date with current_date

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