Hello mates,
I'm newbie using metabase and I'm have difficulties in my code. Please Could someone help me?
when I write code below,
apears the following Error:
ERROR: Specified types or functions (one per INFO message) not supported on Redshift tables.
select distinct "wr"."placeId",
(select sum("fcv"."value" - "fcv"."withdrew")::float/100
from "rfd"."rfd_financial_closing_values" AS "fcv"
where "fcv"."placeId" = "wr"."placeId" and
not "fcv"."isDeleted" and
("fcv"."payDate")::date <= now()::date) as "saldoLiberado",
(select sum("fcv"."value" - "fcv"."withdrew")::float/100
from "rfd"."rfd_financial_closing_values" AS "fcv"
where "fcv"."placeId" = "wr"."placeId" and
not "fcv"."isDeleted" and
("fcv"."payDate")::date > now()::date) AS "saldoALiberar"
FROM "rfd"."rfd_withdraw_requests" AS "wr"
left join "rfd"."rfd_places" AS "p" on "wr"."placeId" = "p"."id"
left join "rfd"."rfd_organizations" AS "o" on "wr"."organizationId" = "o"."id"
left join "rfd"."rfd_events" AS "e" on "wr"."placeId" = "e"."placeId"
where "e"."beginAt" >= '2021-01-01' and "e"."transactionsCount" > 0