Error when reusing a model that has comment at the end of it

The context
At my company we have created a set a models that are duplicable for every database we add to Metabase. These models are based one upon another. So model B depends on model A to work.

The problem
When model A SQL request ends with a comment, it makes model B crash. However, when the comment is not at the end of SQL request, it works just fine.

This works :


select id, name
from fruits
-- where name like 'banana'
where name like 'potatoe'


select *
from {{#234}} as fruits -- where 234 is the id of MODEL A
join shopping_centers on shopping_centers.product_id =

This does not work:


select id, name
from fruits
where name like 'banana'
-- where name like 'potatoe'


select *
from {{#234}} as fruits -- where 234 is the id of MODEL A
join shopping_centers on shopping_centers.product_id =

Is it rebelling against your spelling of 'potato' :rofl::rofl:

You're in good company:

More seriously, what do you seen when you click 'view SQL'?

A potatoe is a mix of a common eatable thing from which we make French fries, and the fingers' feet of someone you dislike :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Not english-native speaker sorry.

Here's the capture I have

So it seems to me the comment is not considered as a comment, but rather like normal SQL code.

Here's the full log error found in logs :

[9c8849c0-0d76-46c5-bf73-9f1c773b1e71] 2022-08-09T12:25:32+02:00 ERROR metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions Error processing query: ERROR: syntax error at end of input
  Position: 178
{:database_id 19,
 :started_at #t "2022-08-09T10:25:32.096193Z[Etc/UTC]",
 [{:status :failed,
   :class clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo,
   :error "Error executing query: ERROR: syntax error at end of input\n  Position: 178",
   ["--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$execute_reducible_query$fn__55031.invoke(execute.clj:502)"
   :error_type :invalid-query,
    "-- Metabase:: userID: 17 queryType: native queryHash: 9ad4da639c20f25cad27ad8e2670eaeb3c7d2cfc6dbd593236a7f7d6e9d55668\nselect *\nfrom (select *\nfrom decidim_users\n-- where admin)",
    :params [],
    :type :invalid-query}}],
 :state "42601",
 :error_type :invalid-query,
 {:type "native",
  {:query "select *\nfrom {{#2760}}",
    {:id "1581e937-667f-7204-5636-32de253ab484", :name "#2760", :display-name "#2760", :type "card", :card-id 2760}}},
  :database 19,
  :parameters [],
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :add-default-userland-constraints? true}},
 :status :failed,
 :class org.postgresql.util.PSQLException,
  "--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$fn__54951.invokeStatic(execute.clj:367)"
 :card_id nil,
 :context :ad-hoc,
 :error "ERROR: syntax error at end of input\n  Position: 178",
 :row_count 0,
 :running_time 0,
 :data {:rows [], :cols []}}

Hi @dynnammo
Because Metabase applies parenthesis around {{#234}}, which effectively means that your comment is escaping the ) as fruits causing invalid query.
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I have same issue . So what could i do to fix it ??

Basically I deleted the comment ^^.

Haven't tried it but you could also use the other way you comment comment in SQL i.e.

from fruits
where name like 'banana'
/* where name like 'potatoe' */
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Thanks you so much. It works for me <3

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