Error with Date Filtering in Field Filter Query for New Customer Rate

I want to create a question to calculate the "New Customer Rate," which is the number of new customers over a specific time period.

I am using a field filter mapped to orders.time with a SQL parameter order_time. The field filter works for queries like this:

FROM orders
[[WHERE {{order_time}}]]

However, when I try to use the field filter to retrieve orders from a previous time period using the following query:

FROM orders
[[WHERE DATE(orders.time) < {{order_time}}]]

I encounter this error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near ">=" Position: 203

Does anyone have a solution that still uses the field filter? or do I have to use a filter variable

Field filters will manage by themself to setup relative dates. You just need to keep it

FROM orders
[[WHERE {{order_time}}]]

Ans setup a relative filter type. Sharing the following docs as well: