Errors when trying to decouple and update to 0.40

Yes. This is what begins the redirect loop.

ok, but did you make sure that the DNS entry has propagated? otherwise it will continue doing redirects to the old URL

@kd_thl Try running this, so you have a better understanding of who is redirecting you. It's on purpose it's http and not https, to see all redirects.
curl -L -v -s -o /dev/null

Yep, the DNS entry had propagated. Otherwise I wouldn't have had the redirect loop; I would've still seen the old instance.

  • Changed DNS from old EB url to new EB url. Subdomain times out. New EB url forwards to subdomain (and subdomain is pointing the the new EB url).
  • Changed DNS back to old EB url. Subdomain loads old instance. New EB url forwards to subdomain (i.e., old instance).

Thanks. I just tried this a few times:

  • http at my subdomain (old instance): 400 Bad Request response.
  • http with the new EB url: 502 bad gateway response.
  • https with my subdomain (old instance): a bunch of info about the SSL certificate but nothing that I can see about redirects.
  • https with the new EB url: LibreSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL

Note: in my Metabase settings I have "Force all traffic to use HTTPS via a redirect, if the site URL is HTTPS" turned on. I've also tried setting it to false via an environment variable.
My site URL is my subdomain. I tried changing that to the new EB url with environment variables just to test, but it didn't fix the issue.

@kd_thl I think without seeing full logs and your actual domains, then it's going to be really difficult to help.

@flamber May I message you? It says you're not accepting.

Hi everyone, we made a test bundle which should work in both deprecated versions and the current ones, also with coupled and decoupled RDS, if you can test it, then we can bundle it in the next maintenance release:

By the way, we STRONGLY SUGGEST that you all upgrade your Elastic Beanstalk platforms and also decouple your RDS's as best practices

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Just as an update: I made another version which seems to work in older Amazon Linux, so if someone can test this and let me know it would be awesome