Hi, question is: how can Metabase "reuse" another login credentials, so the user need not login again?
user login into a company specific workspace using name/password authentication
user click on some "Open Metabase" button
System opens a new browser window and reuses automatically the name/password credentials from previous "non-metabase" login dialog. (or injects a session previously API created, maybe)
User can access the Metabase questions as defined for his groups access permission defined in Metabase.
and also please define what's a "workspace" for you, since we don't have any idea of your architecture so we're not able to help you here without context
My issues was not well thought through well, sorry.
At the end I was asking a more or less common question: "Is it possible to reuse a login session on Firefox further in Chrome?". Answer is of course, no.
Regarding the fact that a user needs not login again even if they close the browser, is I guess because Metabase implements cookie based authentication.