Feature disapeared from roadmap (Upload CSV)

I was expecting the feature "Upload CSV for ad hoc explorations" which was on the backlog for a while.
However, after the new release I can't find the feature either on roadmap or on recently shipped/release notes.
Can you please let me know on this feature' status?

Hi @drconstantino
There's a third-party driver, which supports this: https://github.com/Markenson/csv-metabase-driver
And Google Sheets support was added to the new BigQuery driver, which would allow you to do things.
I cannot tell why it was removed, there's no history on that page and should only seen as "ideas we might be working on" not as "set in stone, will definitely arrive".

Hi @flamber, thanks for letting me know. I can't also find the "Elastic Search Driver" which I was looking forward to have available.
I believe that if those features disapeared from the backlog without being implemented is probably because they weren't cost effective, however a quick note from product dev would be appreciated in order to keep or not expecting the feature in a near future.

Again, thanks for the quick response.
