[Feature] Return Value Through "Lookup"


I'm trying to create a dynamic aggregation based on a date to return the previous year's value.

Currently, there is the OFFSET function that works by modifying the return line according to the number entered. Here I have a problem: the "rowOffset" argument does not allow inserting a number dynamically (I created a custom column with an Offset and was unable to use it. It asks for a fixed number).

Therefore, the ideal would be to have an aggregation function that would allow us to do something like Lookup, where we would inform the value to be searched for and from which column the function would return the value.

This would open up several possibilities for creating aggregations using all the dynamics of dates and dimensions that we can use.

If there is something along those lines, I will be glad to learn about it.

Thank you in advance!

I guess it's the same as convertTimezone doesn't support target value coming from a column · Issue #33782 · metabase/metabase · GitHub, can you comment on that?


That's exactly it, but with the Offsets.