Field filter causing error in a cross tab query

Hi Everyone

I am trying to run a query with crosstab syntax (Postgres) in our database (You can have look at query in the end). The results are perfect till the time I don't select a field filter.

However, as soon as I select a field filter, I am getting the error "The column index is out of range: 1, number of columns: 0.".

Not sure what is causing this error. Thanks in advance for helping here.

The query looks like this:

FROM crosstab($$select
case when due_days <= 30 then 'days_lt_30'
when due_days <= 60 then 'days_30_60'
when due_days <= 90 then 'days_60_90'
when due_days <= 180 then 'days_90_180'
else 'days_gt_180' end as due_bucket,
sum(due_amount) as due_amount
from mart_invoice
where 1=1
[[AND {{BU}}]]
group by case when due_days <= 30 then 'days_lt_30'
when due_days <= 60 then 'days_30_60'
when due_days <= 90 then 'days_60_90'
when due_days <= 180 then 'days_90_180'
else 'days_gt_180' end,
$$ Select distinct due_bucket
((select case when due_days <= 30 then 'days_lt_30'
when due_days <= 60 then 'days_30_60'
when due_days <= 90 then 'days_60_90'
when due_days <= 180 then 'days_90_180'
else 'days_gt_180' end as due_bucket,

sum(due_amount) as due_amount

from mart_invoice

group by case when due_days <= 30 then 'days_lt_30'
when due_days <= 60 then 'days_30_60'
when due_days <= 90 then 'days_60_90'
when due_days <= 180 then 'days_90_180'
else 'days_gt_180' end,
order by due_bucket)
union all
(select 'days_30_60' as due_bucket,NULL as businessunit,NULL as customername,NULL as contract, NULL as due_amount)
union all
(select 'days_60_90' as due_bucket,NULL as businessunit,NULL as customername,NULL as contract, NULL as due_amount )
union all
(select 'days_90_180' as due_bucket,NULL as businessunit,NULL as customername,NULL as contract, NULL as due_amount)
union all
(select 'days_gt_180' as due_bucket,NULL as businessunit,NULL as customername,NULL as contract, NULL as due_amount)
union all
(select 'days_lt_30' as due_bucket,NULL as businessunit,NULL as customername,NULL as contract, NULL as due_amount)
order by due_bucket
AS ct(businessunit TEXT, customername TEXT, contract TEXT, days_30_60 NUMERIC,days_60_90 NUMERIC,days_90_180 NUMERIC,days_gt_180 NUMERIC ,days_lt_30 NUMERIC)


Hi @himanshugupta9690
Post "Diagnostic Info" from Admin > Troubleshooting.
You're writing opposite things - does the query when you have the filter defined or not?
Check the log for the full stacktrace - Admin > Troubleshooting > Logs - or check the Postgres debug log, which might provide more insight.

Hi Flamber,

I have defined the field filter as you can see [[AND {{BU}}]]. However, the query runs fine only if I don't make a selection in the filter. As soon as I make a selection in the filter, I get this error:

"The column index is out of range: 1, number of columns: 0."

Also the filtering works fine if I don't make it a part of a crosstab query. Is there something in the crosstab syntax that I need to follow so that filters/variables work correctly?


  1. Post "Diagnostic Info" from Admin > Troubleshooting.
  2. Check the log for the full stacktrace - Admin > Troubleshooting > Logs
  3. Check the Postgres debug log, which might provide more insight

When using a Field Filter, then it generates the SQL based on column reference defined in the sidebar and the values selected.
For reference:

Found something on the logs, however could not make sense of it:

[86195d50-416b-4334-9b2f-5f1d56752d5d] 2021-05-03T17:19:11+05:30 DEBUG metabase.server.middleware.log POST /api/card/460/query 202 [ASYNC: completed] 164.4 ms (9 DB calls) App DB connections: 1/15 Jetty threads: 2/50 (12 idle, 0 queued) (134 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0 (0 queued)
[86195d50-416b-4334-9b2f-5f1d56752d5d] 2021-05-03T17:19:16+05:30 ERROR metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions Error processing query: null
{:database_id 3,
:started_at #t "2021-05-03T11:49:16.466Z[Etc/UTC]",
:state "22023",
{:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
:type :native,
:middleware {:js-int-to-string? true},
{"BU" {:id "81c3b5e5-b4e2-5281-fcbb-303e0ec087e2", :name "BU", :display-name "Bu", :type :dimension, :dimension [:field-id 19101], :widget-type :category, :default nil},
"Customer" {:id "0ef9195d-150f-f341-1947-75fe260a0b01", :name "Customer", :display-name "Customer", :type :dimension, :dimension [:field-id 19097], :default nil, :widget-type :category},
"Contract" {:id "b711d627-4a51-5cce-9454-8290cde59bcf", :name "Contract", :display-name "Contract", :type :dimension, :dimension [:field-id 19104], :widget-type :category, :default nil}},
"SELECT businessunit,\nsum(coalesce(days_lt_30,0)) as days_lt_30,\nsum(coalesce(days_30_60,0)) as days_30_60,\nsum(coalesce(days_60_90,0)) as days_60_90,\nsum(coalesce(days_90_180,0)) as days_90_180,\nsum(coalesce(days_gt_180,0)) as days_gt_180,\nsum(coalesce(days_30_60,0)+coalesce(days_60_90,0)+coalesce(days_90_180,0)+coalesce(days_gt_180,0)+coalesce(days_lt_30,0)) as total\nFROM crosstab($$select \nbusinessunit,\ncustomername,\ncontract,\ncase when due_days <= 30 then 'days_lt_30'\n when due_days <= 60 then 'days_30_60'\n when due_days <= 90 then 'days_60_90'\n when due_days <= 180 then 'days_90_180'\n else 'days_gt_180' end as due_bucket,\nsum(due_amount) as due_amount\n\nfrom mart_invoice \nwhere 1=1\n[[AND {{BU}}]]\n[[AND {{Customer}}]]\n[[AND {{Contract}}]]\ngroup by case when due_days <= 30 then 'days_lt_30'\n when due_days <= 60 then 'days_30_60'\n when due_days <= 90 then 'days_60_90'\n when due_days <= 180 then 'days_90_180'\n else 'days_gt_180' end,\n businessunit,\ncustomername,\ncontract $$, \n$$ Select distinct due_bucket\nfrom\n((select case when due_days <= 30 then 'days_lt_30'\n when due_days <= 60 then 'days_30_60'\n when due_days <= 90 then 'days_60_90'\n when due_days <= 180 then 'days_90_180'\n else 'days_gt_180' end as due_bucket,\nbusinessunit,\ncustomername,\ncontract,\n\nsum(due_amount) as due_amount\n\nfrom mart_invoice \n\ngroup by case when due_days <= 30 then 'days_lt_30'\n when due_days <= 60 then 'days_30_60'\n when due_days <= 90 then 'days_60_90'\n when due_days <= 180 then 'days_90_180'\n else 'days_gt_180' end,\n businessunit,\ncustomername,\ncontract\norder by due_bucket)\nunion all\n(select 'days_30_60' as due_bucket,NULL as businessunit,NULL as customername,NULL as contract, NULL as due_amount)\nunion all\n(select 'days_60_90' as due_bucket,NULL as businessunit,NULL as customername,NULL as contract, NULL as due_amount )\nunion all\n(select 'days_90_180' as due_bucket,NULL as businessunit,NULL as customername,NULL as contract, NULL as due_amount)\nunion all\n(select 'days_gt_180' as due_bucket,NULL as businessunit,NULL as customername,NULL as contract, NULL as due_amount)\nunion all\n(select 'days_lt_30' as due_bucket,NULL as businessunit,NULL as customername,NULL as contract, NULL as due_amount)\n )a\norder by due_bucket \n $$)\n AS ct(businessunit TEXT, customername TEXT, contract TEXT, days_30_60 NUMERIC,days_60_90 NUMERIC,days_90_180 NUMERIC,days_gt_180 NUMERIC ,days_lt_30 NUMERIC)\n group by businessunit\n having sum(coalesce(days_30_60,0)+coalesce(days_60_90,0)+coalesce(days_90_180,0)+coalesce(days_gt_180,0)+coalesce(days_lt_30,0))>0\norder by total desc"},
:database 3,
:parameters [{:type "category", :target ["dimension" ["template-tag" "BU"]], :value ["Consumer Goods"]}],
:async? true,
:cache-ttl nil},
:status :failed,
:class org.postgresql.util.PSQLException,
"--> driver.sql_jdbc.execute$set_object.invokeStatic(execute.clj:178)"
:context :question,
:error "The column index is out of range: 1, number of columns: 0.",
:row_count 0,
:running_time 0,
:data {:rows [], :cols []}}

1 Like

@flamber : anything you are able to decipher from these logs?

@himanshugupta9690 I'm not sure what's going on. Have you checked the Postgres database logs to see the actual query it tries to run and what the return/error says there?
Does it work if you use two simple Date filters instead of a Field Filter?

@flamber can you tell how to access Postgres database logs?

@himanshugupta9690 If you don't control the Postgres, then you need the administrator to help you: