Field Filter with question from Model

Continuing the discussion from How to use field filter with model (postgres):

Same issue is still present, I couldn't use field filter with a question based on model. Other filter does work but the multiple selection option simply didn't show up.

How are you setting up your question? When you refer to another question from within a SQL questions you're effectively creating a subquery. So:

select id, name from {{#1-this-question}}

generates SQL like:

select id, name
from (select id, name, column3 from table1) as source

Since field filters generate SQL based on the table you select if you set up a field filter that links to "name" in table1 you would generate the following SQL, which can't work because table1 doesn't exist in the main query - it's in the subquery so it has been aliased as "source".

select id, name
from (select id, name, column3 from table1) as source

There is a feature request for "field filters from nested queries" that's pretty similar to this. There is a discussion on the Github issue as well: