Filter in dashboard


Can someone help me?
I am using a Metabase model that I created with an SQL query, from that model I have created different KPI's and Charts.... I have all of them in a dashboard to be able to share it with the users, but a problem is born, I need to include in this dashboard a category filter that is the field “city”. This field is in the model, but I need to recognize that field to display a list of possible cities that can filter. How could I do it, I have thought of creating a list, but I would have to include new cities as they are included.


Translated with (free version)

Create a 2nd question that uses the city in some way (just a simple list). Then add a condition so that the list is always empty. Add the question to the dashboard but set it so that it's hidden when no results.
Then assign the city parameter to the new question.
Should work (I've done this for troublesome questions but never for SQL queries but the same principal applies).

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