Filtering by column A or column B

I have a table with articles that have two columns "relevant" and "machinelearning_prediction" and I can filter by one and the other. What I would like would be to create a segment or at least filter by something like this:

select * from articles where relevant = 1 OR machinelearning_prediction = 1;

Closest I got so far was with a custom expression in a filter:

Is this the best way to go or is there a way I can save this as a segment so that I and other users can make a better use of it?

Hi @brunoamaral
Currently the Custom Expression is the way to go. There's currently no such thing for Segments: - upvote by clicking :+1: on the first post

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you have just saved me a lot of time, thank you @flamber🙂
I'll have to remember to check on github before posting.