Frequent random error: "there was a problem displaying this chart"

I have looked for other posts under this title and they were all either old or lacked sufficient detail.

For some members of my team, after the extremely long load times, sometimes, random visuals on dashboards display an error that says "There was a problem displaying this chart".

Obviously I understand that some of my dashboards exceed the 10 visuals limit for "good performance," per Metabase docs, but I never had problems before. In the past, loading would take a few moments on bigger dashboards, but everything would load eventually. This is no longer the case and is often preventing my team from being able to use important dashboards, on which they've come to rely.

I have tried to turn on caching, but have seen no improvement in performance.

We are self hosted and still on 0.43.4. The update notes don't suggest updating would solve the problems, so far as I can tell.

The annoying thing is that I cannot replicate this issue on my end. All I have is screenshots of the issue from coworkers.

Is there anything that can be done here?

Here are some logs from around the one of the times the error has occurred:

[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:14-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.card Question's average execution duration is 11.7 s; using 'magic' TTL of 5.8 mins 💾
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:14-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 11.4 s to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:14-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 22.9 s to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:15-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 1.2 s to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:15-05:00 DEBUG metabase.server.middleware.log POST /api/dashboard/52/dashcard/282/card/292/query 202 [ASYNC: canceled] 46.0 s (12 DB calls) App DB connections: 10/15 Jetty threads: 16/50 (32 idle, 0 queued) (274 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0 (0 queued)
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:18-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 2.1 s to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:19-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 5.4 s to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:19-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 168.0 ms to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:19-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 12.0 s to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:19-05:00 DEBUG metabase.server.middleware.log GET /api/card/201 200 24.4 s (10 DB calls) App DB connections: 6/15 Jetty threads: 17/50 (31 idle, 0 queued) (274 total active threads) Queries in flight: 0 (0 queued)
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:20-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 86.0 ms to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:22-05:00 WARN metabase.query-processor.middleware.upgrade-field-literals Warning: clause [:field "Duration in Minutes" {:binning {:strategy :num-bins, :num-bins 50}, :base-type :type/Float}] does not match a column in the source query. Attempting to correct this to [:field "Duration in Minutes" {:base-type :type/Float, :binning {:strategy :num-bins, :num-bins 50}}]
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:22-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 2.8 s to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:26-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 7.9 s to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:27-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 96.0 ms to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:27-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.card Question's average execution duration is 16.8 s; using 'magic' TTL of 8.4 mins 💾
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:27-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 252.0 ms to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:27-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 164.0 ms to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:28-05:00 ERROR metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions Error processing query: Closed
{:database_id 35,
 :started_at #t "2023-02-01T10:24:41.552484-04:00[Canada/Atlantic]",
 {:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
  :type :query,
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :ignore-cached-results? false},
  :database 35,
  {:source-table 188,
   :aggregation [[:count]],
   :breakout [[:field 642 {:binning {:strategy :num-bins, :num-bins 100}}]]},
  :parameters [],
  :async? true,
  :cache-ttl 173},
  "SELECT ((floor(((\"public\".\"content_progress\".\"content_progress_percentage\" - 100.0) / 1)) * 1) + 100.0) AS \"content_progress_percentage\", count(*) AS \"count\" FROM \"public\".\"content_progress\" GROUP BY ((floor(((\"public\".\"content_progress\".\"content_progress_percentage\" - 100.0) / 1)) * 1) + 100.0) ORDER BY ((floor(((\"public\".\"content_progress\".\"content_progress_percentage\" - 100.0) / 1)) * 1) + 100.0) ASC",
  :params nil},
 :status :failed,
  "java.base/ Source)"
  "java.base/ Source)"
  "java.base/<init>(Unknown Source)"
  "java.base/<init>(Unknown Source)"
  "--> async.streaming_response$output_stream_delay$fn__18958.invoke(streaming_response.clj:107)"
  "async.streaming_response.proxy$$ff19274a.write(Unknown Source)"
 :card_id 264,
 :context :dashboard,
 :error "Closed",
 :row_count 0,
 :running_time 0,
 {:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
  :type :query,
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :ignore-cached-results? false},
  :info {:executed-by 77, :context :dashboard, :card-id 264, :card-name "Content: Progress Falloff", :dashboard-id 52},
  :database 35,
  {:source-table 188,
   :aggregation [[:aggregation-options [:count] {:name "count"}]],
   [[:field 642 {:binning {:strategy :num-bins, :num-bins 100, :min-value 100.0, :max-value 100.0, :bin-width 1}}]],
     [:field 642 {:binning {:strategy :num-bins, :num-bins 100, :min-value 100.0, :max-value 100.0, :bin-width 1}}]]]},
  :async? true,
  :cache-ttl 173},
 :data {:rows [], :cols []}}

[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:29-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.card Question's average execution duration is 11.9 s; using 'magic' TTL of 6.0 mins 💾
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:29-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 1.7 s to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:29-05:00 INFO Successfully authenticated Google Sign-In token for: Noah Ueffing
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:30-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.card Question's average execution duration is 19.5 s; using 'magic' TTL of 9.8 mins 💾
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:30-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 716.0 ms to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:30-05:00 INFO metabase.query-processor.middleware.cache Query took 721.0 ms to run; minimum for cache eligibility is 10.0 s
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:30-05:00 DEBUG metabase.server.middleware.log POST /api/session/google_auth 200 3.5 s (7 DB calls) App DB connections: 11/15 Jetty threads: 14/50 (34 idle, 0 queued) (275 total active threads) Queries in flight: 3 (0 queued)
[ca1d41cf-c676-4be2-b1e8-abc250663fbb] 2023-02-01T09:25:31-05:00 ERROR metabase.query-processor.middleware.catch-exceptions Error processing query: Closed
{:database_id 35,
 :started_at #t "2023-02-01T10:24:07.703704-04:00[Canada/Atlantic]",
 {:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
  :type :query,
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :ignore-cached-results? false},
  :database 35,
  {:source-table 188,
   [{:fields :all,
     :source-table 185,
     :condition [:= [:field 640 nil] [:field 625 {:join-alias "Members"}]],
     :alias "Members"}],
   :filter [:and [:not-empty [:field 617 {:join-alias "Members"}]] [:is-null [:field 845 {:join-alias "Members"}]]],
     [:distinct [:field 625 {:join-alias "Members"}]]
     {:name "Members Watched", :display-name "Members Watched"}]],
   :breakout [[:field 644 {:temporal-unit :day-of-week}]]},
  :parameters [],
  :async? true,
  :cache-ttl 205},
  "SELECT (CAST(extract(dow from \"public\".\"content_progress\".\"created_at\") AS integer) + 1) AS \"created_at\", count(distinct \"Members\".\"id\") AS \"Members Watched\" FROM \"public\".\"content_progress\" LEFT JOIN \"public\".\"members\" \"Members\" ON \"public\".\"content_progress\".\"member_id\" = \"Members\".\"id\" WHERE (\"Members\".\"password\" IS NOT NULL AND (\"Members\".\"password\" <> ? OR \"Members\".\"password\" IS NULL) AND \"Members\".\"deleted_at\" IS NULL) GROUP BY (CAST(extract(dow from \"public\".\"content_progress\".\"created_at\") AS integer) + 1) ORDER BY (CAST(extract(dow from \"public\".\"content_progress\".\"created_at\") AS integer) + 1) ASC",
  :params ("")},
 :status :failed,
  "java.base/ Source)"
  "java.base/ Source)"
  "java.base/<init>(Unknown Source)"
  "java.base/<init>(Unknown Source)"
  "--> async.streaming_response$output_stream_delay$fn__18958.invoke(streaming_response.clj:107)"
  "async.streaming_response.proxy$$ff19274a.write(Unknown Source)"
 :card_id 270,
 :context :dashboard,
 :error "Closed",
 :row_count 0,
 :running_time 0,
 {:constraints {:max-results 10000, :max-results-bare-rows 2000},
  :type :query,
  :middleware {:js-int-to-string? true, :ignore-cached-results? false},
  {:executed-by 79,
   :context :dashboard,
   :card-id 270,
   :card-name "Content: OD Consumption by Day of Week",
   :dashboard-id 52},
  :database 35,
  {:source-table 188,
     [:field 617 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      {:base_type :type/Text,
       :effective_type :type/Text,
       :coercion_strategy nil,
       :semantic_type :type/Category,
       :database_type "text",
       :name "password"}]]
     [:field 617 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      {:base_type :type/Text,
       :effective_type :type/Text,
       :coercion_strategy nil,
       :semantic_type :type/Category,
       :database_type "text",
       :name "password"}]]
     [:field 845 {:join-alias "Members", :temporal-unit :default}]
      {:base_type :type/DateTime,
       :effective_type :type/DateTime,
       :coercion_strategy nil,
       :semantic_type :type/DeletionTimestamp,
       :database_type "timestamp",
       :name "deleted_at",
       :unit :default}]]],
     [:distinct [:field 625 {:join-alias "Members"}]]
     {:name "Members Watched", :display-name "Members Watched"}]],
   :breakout [[:field 644 {:temporal-unit :day-of-week}]],
   :order-by [[:asc [:field 644 {:temporal-unit :day-of-week}]]],
   [{:alias "Members",
     :strategy :left-join,
     [[:field 625 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 620 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 617 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 623 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 611 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 627 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 612 {:temporal-unit :default, :join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 616 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 628 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 618 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 613 {:temporal-unit :default, :join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 619 {:temporal-unit :default, :join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 622 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 624 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 621 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 610 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 626 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 614 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 615 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 845 {:temporal-unit :default, :join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 1082 {:join-alias "Members"}]
      [:field 1081 {:join-alias "Members"}]],
     :source-table 185,
     :condition [:= [:field 640 nil] [:field 625 {:join-alias "Members"}]]}]},
  :async? true,
  :cache-ttl 205},
 :data {:rows [], :cols []}}

I think that those queries are taking more time than what your reverse-proxy allows, so it cuts the connection.

I would suggest you upgrade to the latest version for security reasons

Why would our reverse proxy have allowed these queries in the past? It's been months and queries that were running fine now only occasionally manage to finish.

We actually don't even have a reverse proxy set up for metabase, so that can't be the issue.

Can you provide more details about how you're running Metabase? As I see in the logs, something is cutting the connection there

Also, there might have been changes to the data, or even databases without manintenance that get slower over time. I'm just guessing, but there are many reasons why things that take seconds some time ago might take minutes some time later

I'm not the one who set it up, but from what I understand, we are running a docker image of Metabase inside a t3.medium EC2 instance.

Looking at the network panel on dev tools, for the cards that just dont load and show the "there was a problem displaying the chart," the queries all seem to timeout at one minute (image below). Does metabase impose any timeout like that?

Hey @Luiggi any ideas on this? Still struggling.