Funnel Chart

I have a funnel chart like the one shown in the picture above. However, instead of calculating the percentages on the first stage in the funnel, I want the chart to calculate the percentage on the previous stage of the funnel.

This will help our analysts/users to know which portion of the funnel, the numbers are not up to the mark. How can I let the funnel chart calculate the percentages on the previous step and not on the first step of the funnel?

Can someone help!

Was answered on the email :slight_smile:

Hi Tony,
I have the same question as Sayak had.
Is there a way to show the percentages compared to the previous stage instead of percentage of the first stage?

Hi @TonyC ,

Could you also send me the email ? I've been looking for the function for a while, but I still can't find it.

It'd also be great to have this in docs.