Hey there! I'm Alex, and I'm building an education program here at Metabase.
I'm working on a series of video tutorials and demos on topics and skills that every person working with Metabase should know.
I’d love to hear from you: what do you wish you’d known earlier when you were starting with Metabase? What kind of tutorials do you wish you had in your journey?
Currently I have a field with a date timestamp in it. How do I simply convert this into the date part of it - as a proper date?
Seems not doable, but there's nothing in the documentation that clearly states it's not supported either.
Alex, good morning! (in argentina) Goods news for us!
I loved when, in one of the videos, you gave us some tips to simplify graphics navegation experience.
I think that it must be key issue
Hi Alex, I'm struggling with complex default values with filter dates.
I'd love to set the default filter as "this month" for some specific charts like number charts and "this year" in line chart.
Could you make a tutorial for this? Many thanks for considering my request.
I started using metabase about 5 years ago and some difficulties I faced then seem to have been solved.
Our instance was self-hosted first on AWS and currently on Azure.
We had major difficulties hosting on AWS no matter how much resources we allocated to it. One major issue was that the EC2 instances keep getting unhealthy and restarting.
We finally moved to Azure and had some peace. We used a different approach from the one in the official docs though.