Hive integrate with metabase through prestoDB

Every Thing is going good but when i add a database i am getting this error. what should i need to do for clear these error…

metabase.util.i18n.UserLocalizedString cannot be cast to java.lang.String

GET /api/user/current 401 (151 µs) (0 DB calls).

Hi @Siva
Can you give some more details on what you’re trying to do? And which version of Metabase?
Error 401 means connection is not authorized.

Ya I am trying to visualization my hive query in metabase. so i use hive 2.1.1, presto-server-0.187 , metabase.jar and here we integrate hive to metabase through prestoDB. I give hive metastore access to prestoDB and integrate prestoDB to metabase.

Then access hive db in prestoDB is working and metabase is open then adding a database in metabase that time getting this
metabase.util.i18n.UserLocalizedString cannot be cast to java.lang.String

when checking a log see this

ERROR metabase.driver :: Failed to connect to database: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
03-08 18:50:33 ERROR metabase.driver :: Failed to connect to database: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Presto server is still initializing

DEBUG metabase.middleware :: POST /api/database 400 (2 s) (0 DB calls).

DEBUG metabase.middleware :: GET /api/user/current 401 (151 µs) (0 DB calls).


Okay, so it seems like this isn’t related to Hive, but simply a connection problem between Presto and Metabase.
Looking at the errors, it seems like it’s expecting encrypted connection, but got something different.
Have a look in your Presto log - maybe you can see what type of connection it is and why it’s failing.