Dear Metabase experts here
I am Ros. Currently, I am working on Housekeeping Project for Metabase which includes Deleting Dashboard/Charts, Transfer ownership of charts, dashboard and all assets belong to resigned employees. As far as I know have only achieve feature and not allow the users to delete directly. To achieve these tasks , deleting the data from Metabase Repository and using API could be the option. I realized that deleting the data from repository might causes of the issue later since it might have a lot of dependency table. I need your help by giving the advice the best way we could do this such as using APIs etc. It would be great if you could point me to the documentation or useful resources.
Another point is the capability of restoring the deleted file. I am so new to this and not too sure whether Metabase has something like recycle bin or not
Thanks for all advices and recommendations in advance.
Wish you all have a lovely day