How can i scale metabase with 500-1000 concurrent login


Can anyone help me understanding to what extent metabase can be scaled.

We are a large business enterprise and looking for free or licensed metabase application. One team in our organisation uses metabase as an internal tool and hence we are trying to explore the same on large scale

Business needs following

  1. Creating more than 5000 user accounts across organisation with different roles
  2. Concurrent login 100-1000 users on different segment /reports
  3. Report should restrict data considering a user belonging to their specific region/ hierarchy in the org


Hi @Gunjansrivastava

I don’t know if you need any of the features available in Enterprise Edition like SSO via SAML, but if you do, then you should of course signup for a trial. If you have special requirements, then please reach out via

As for your questions;

  1. There’s companies with larger user bases than this, and is controlled through groups and permissions in the Admin panel.
  2. Depending on usage, this can be handled by one big instance or multiple smaller instances setup as horizontal scaling with a load balancer.
  3. Depending on what level of restrictions, then this can either be done through permissions and/or Sandboxing