How do I enable SQL snippets on the OpenSource version?

Hi there,
Can anyone point me in the right direction here?

I'd like to enable the SQL snippets feature but I don't see the option anywhere.

I've gone through this link SQL snippets: reuse and share SQL code
But I don't see the option anywhere.
Neither on the sidebar [where I can see the explore data and Variables option], nor in the admin panel.

I also don't get a right click menu as shown in this gif

PS: I have editor access to all the databases, but not admin access [am using the admin panel on my colleagues laptop].

PPS: We're accessing metabase on chrome 101.0.4951.64 on a Macbook M1 Monterey 12.0.1

Hi @gladwin_cogoport
Likely because you are using a version of Metabase where Snippets weren't included.
Post "Diagnostic Info" from Admin > Troubleshooting.
Latest release is 0.43.1:

Hi Flamber,
We're on the open source version of Metabase, which according to the screenshot below should include snippets.

@gladwin_cogoport You are misunderstanding what I'm writing. You are using a very very old version of Metabase. You should upgrade.
Snippets were introduced in 0.36: