How to break an array to columns

Hi All,
This is similar to my earlier question. I installed metabase and was playing with native query to unwind my array. The query works but the tabular view is like below,

I want to display them such that index 0 is column 1 and index 1 is column 2. This is my query,

  {"$limit": 5},
    "$project": {
      "modified": {
        "$zip": {
          "inputs": ["$a", "$b"]

Nevermind, I figured it out. I used the below query,

  {"$limit": 5},
    "$project": {
      "modified": {
        "$zip": {
          "inputs": ["$a", "$b"]
      "$unwind": {
          "path": "$modified"
      "$project": {
            "name": 1,
            "col1": { 
                "$arrayElemAt": [ "$modified", 0 ]
            "col2": { 
                "$arrayElemAt": [ "$modified", -1 ]
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