I have a dashboard with a mix of SQL and metabase query questions. By default all the time based graphs are grouped by month. I want to create a filter for the dashboard so the filter can change the grouping freely between day, week and month.
I can see it's set up for standard metabase queries
Hi @flamber
Thanks for the response, sorry what do you mean? My SQL is already a saved question that sits in the dashboard.
I've found an awkward solution to my issue by putting the variable in the date_trunc section. date_trunc({{period}}, CAST("public"."submitted_at" AS timestamp)) AS "Date".
(submitted_at is just a timestamp for the events I'm measuring in metabase.)
This then allows me to enter "month", "week" or "day" into the variable box to group it as such but I have to type the whole thing out. Is there a way to turn it into just a dropdown menu?
@Alexhs If you just return all results in SQL, then you can use it as a base GUI question - that's what I mean.
Yes, it's a workaround for some databases to do the grouping in SQL.
You would have to have a lookup table to have a dropdown.
@Flamber ah I see what you mean, and yeah if having a lookup table is the only solution I'll probably set that up. There's no other way is there to set a dropdown filter box with custom values that doesn't require a lookup table?
Here is a hack for mySQL (modify accordingly for other DB's like clickhouse, postgreSQL):
Step 1: Define a view with datecode, dateformats (feel free to customize),
DROP VIEW dateCodes_v;
CREATE VIEW dateCodes_v AS
SELECT 'daily_dow_short' AS dateCode, '%m-%d (%a)' AS dateFormat
SELECT 'daily_dow' AS dateCode, '%Y-%m-%d (%a)' AS dateFormat
SELECT 'daily' AS dateCode, '%Y-%m-%d' AS dateFormat
SELECT 'weekly' AS dateCode, '%Y-%m w%u' AS dateFormat
SELECT 'monthly' AS dateCode, '%Y-%M' AS dateFormat
SELECT 'yearly' AS dateCode, '%Y' AS dateFormat
SELECT 'toDate' AS dateCode, 'toDate' AS dateFormat
Step 2: Use Mysql @variable to define the dateformat, and make it into a filter in metabase, e.g.,
@dateFormat:= (select dateFormat FROM dateCodes_v WHERE {{ dateCode }}) AS dateFormat,
DATE_FORMAT(somedate, @dateFormat) AS dateStr,
count(*) AS total
DATE_FORMAT(somedate, @dateFormat)
DATE_FORMAT(somedate, @dateFormat)
Viola, you have various choices of filtering from the metabase GUI!