WITH dates AS (
SELECT GENERATE_SERIES({{data_cadastro_start}}::date, {{data_cadastro_end}}::date, '1 day') AS current_date
), processos AS (
SELECT mv.status_processo_id, DATE_TRUNC('day', processo.data_cadas) AS data_cadastro FROM adm_siga.processo
INNER JOIN adm_siga.movimento_processo AS mv ON mv.processo_id = processo.processo_id
WHERE {{data_cadas}}
SELECT dates.current_date, 'Protocolada' AS status, COUNT(processos.status_processo_id) FROM dates
LEFT OUTER JOIN processos ON dates.current_date = processos.data_cadastro AND processos.status_processo_id = '0001'
Here {{data_cadas}} is a date range field filter. I’d like to get its start and end dates to use in the GENERATE_SERIES(). I’m using GENERATE_SERIES() to count values for all dates in the range, including dates that have no data. Is there any way to do that? Like {{data_cadas.start_range}} and {{data_cadas.end_range}} or something similar? Otherwise the only way I see to solve this is to use 2 separate variables instead of a field filter.
I have an example to get difference between dates in days using datarange variable.
1st. How to split dates? - Simple, subquering any table (logs, access, etc.) with daterange variable in WHERE clause.
SELECT count(*) AS count,
(SELECT MIN("public"."database"."crm_date") FROM "public"."database" WHERE {{date_range}}) AS "start_date",
(SELECT MAX("public"."database"."crm_date") FROM "public"."database" WHERE {{date_range}}) AS "end_date",
2nd, Using DATE_PART function to operate with the subqueries results
DATE_PART('day', (SELECT MAX("public"."database"."crm_Date") FROM "public"."database" WHERE {{date_range}})::timestamp - (SELECT MIN("public"."database"."crm_date") FROM "public"."database" WHERE {{date_range}})::timestamp)) AS "Days in range",
FROM ...
With this subquery tip you can access to individual "date.start" and "date.end" data from data range variable in Metabase SQL.
I don't understand how aliasing relates to the original question, which is: how to access the "start" and "end" value of a date range field filter in a SQL question.
I'm doing the exact same thing as @vitorbaptista and, like him, I'm forced to use 2 separate variables instead of a field filter. That wouldn't be too much of a problem, but all my dashboards already use a date range field filter. So now I have a date range + a start date and an end date, all set to the same date range!
Is there still no solution to this problem? (PS: I don't consider DabidGrau idea to be a solution)