How to implement a normal filter on a topic and a cross filter in metabase

Hello Folks,
I've a dashboard and want to use a cross filtering, when users click any where it should be filtered all charts. i try it somehow its not working properly for me maybe newbie so if you give me some suggestion i'll be glad. and also want to add a normal filter on topic based for 2/3 charts.

How can i do it?

I have some questions

  1. when i completed dashboard and try to add filter from dashboard edit options. its added but every card was empty - i try with 'created_at' field which is every cards are available. but couldn't work.

  2. should i use 'variable' to add a filter every-time when i create different charts but from same data.

  3. exactly what should i do for this filtering implement before adding filter options from dashboard edit. do i need to enable filter using 'variable' or what can i do to see 'created_at' available in charts when i adding filter from dashboard edit.

in dashboard

  • i have some questions (charts)
  • two model created from SQL query using join tables
  • include all charts in dashboard

when i try to add a date filter - every cards/charts showing me : this card doesn't have any fields or parameters that can be mapped to this parameter type but when i set filter as text its showing in dropdown list, with all dates. so how can i add 'created_at' as cross filter for my dashboard.

Please can anyone suggestion me step by steps to complete this!

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