How to link Tranco Google BigQuery to Metabase

I am using Tranco-list to find the ranking of different organization. So far I was using Big Query connector with Google Sheet to fetch the data. In our organization, we are also using metabase, so I was just thinking why not to integrate the Tranco BigQuery directly to Metabase instead of syncing it first to google sheet because Metabase is giving us really interesting feature to pivot the records.

While making connection with metabase, it is asking for service account JSON which I have already provided. Since tranco is a public dataset and I should be able to add this in metabase but somehow it is giving me an error that it is unable to find the dataset.

You can directly query below script in Google BigQuery but how can I add this in metabase.

select * from `tranco.daily.daily` where rank = 1 and date = current_date()

It would help me in solving several problems that I am facing with google sheet.
Thanks in advance.

Hi @jnhimanshu1000
Metabase currently don't support public datasets directly - see comments for workaround: - upvote by clicking :+1: on the first post

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Thanks @flamber for the link. Instead of creating the view I duplicated my primary table (which is actually linked to my google sheet) and created a new table which is being referred in Metabase through which I am query the data.
When I using the view then it is giving me the below error. If below error is fixed then I would be able to fetch the Tranco list first in google sheet and then in Google BigQuery and then it will directly be referred in Metabase.

403 Forbidden POST { "code" : 403, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "message" : "Access Denied: BigQuery BigQuery: Permission denied while getting Drive credentials.", "reason" : "accessDenied" } ], "message" : "Access Denied: BigQuery BigQuery: Permission denied while getting Drive credentials.", "status" : "PERMISSION_DENIED" }

Do you know this error. I am sure this is somehow related to the service principles, but I have given BigQuery owner and admin rights to the service principle.


Post "Diagnostic Info" from Admin > Troubleshooting.

Have you followed this?

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