How to order Lines by Week of the Year correctly

I'd like to order, YoY, a Line ordered by Week of the Year.
Since 52 or 53 is the last week of the previous year and most of the time include days of the current year, what happen is that this last week is the very last one in the Line, and not the first one.
This is because Line order data by values, so 52 or 53 are grater than 1.

In the Line the very last week on the right is the number 53 and contains 1 January 2025.
Would be possible to order the data by day, for example, in the Line, so the sequence would be correct?
Ordering the data in the editor does not affect this kind of trends.

Interesting, can you create a feature request for this? (Or maybe better a bug fix)

Yea done