Iframe dont show content on localhost

Hello friends,

I have a strange behavior on my localhost with embedded iframes: only the filters, but not the content (graphs and tables) are loaded.
However, the same site works perfectly well in the production environment.

I tried to reach my localhost with ngrok, to simulate another url, but nothing changed.

Do you have any ideas what the problem could be?

Many thanks in advance.

Hi @megrano
Post "Diagnostic Info" from Admin > Troubleshooting.

It is highly recommended not to use localhost for development. Browsers have changed a lot with their security and are a lot more restrictive now compared to just a year or two ago.

Check your browser developer console. And make sure Admin > Settings > General > Site URL matches what your Metabase URL actually is.

This was the solution!

Admin > Settings > General > Site URL did not match with iframe METABASE_SITE_URL.
The "s" in https:\... was missing.

Now it's working fine.

Thanks a lot.